Friday, July 17, 2015

A Big Tale from a Small Hero, A movie review of Marvel's Ant-ManAnt

Friday, July 17, 2015
This is my first movie review, and I apologize beforehand on the things I will say, after all this is my view or opinion and take on the subject matter, and there will  be some movie spoilers along the way, for those not interested, you may feel to check my old posts by hitting the previous posts button.

Ant-Man, July 17
Ant-Man is one rollercoaster ride, like every roller coaster, has slow build of an introduction, as it brings us to introducing us to Hank Pym, a younger version of Michael Douglas, and yes it’s pretty amazing how CGI gave his Wall Street looks.  In which a flashback scene of showcases how dangerous his technology can be to a greed hungry corporate board, sounds familiar? Yep, it sounds like the tone of Iron Man, in which if the technology falls in the wrong hands means disaster, and that’s what the movie is all about, having someone prevent someone from taking this tech in the wrong hands, that’s where Paul Rudd comes into play, as he plays the expendable, from zero to hero, becomes the guy that Michael Douglas hires – and yes this is how the movie build itself rollercoaster ride to the pattern to a Marvel hit – it isn’t so bad, as it delivers wit, humor and action that leaves anyone at awe, it also takes us to a perspective of how it is to be small, much better than Honey, I shrunk the kids. In this ride, as it climbs up to its climax it drops so quick, so fast and as it goes down, you wish it won’t end, because the thrill is just so unbearable, and as the ride stops, you just want more. And that’s what this movie delivered – a ride of cool action sequences, and a sweet father-daughter moment. I don’t want to give any detail further more on how Evangeline Lily’s character is, but to those comic book readers, you know by now who she is.

Ant-man may have deviated much a lot from the comic book version, but after all this is the Marvel Cinematic Universe, in which its intent is to cater the people who has not read the comics. It was pleasant take, in which the characters live up who they are suppose to be, from egos, to tempers, it was just spot on.

The Marvel universe is expanding, as it slowly rolls to Phase 2 by the release of Ant-Man, this super hero flick is post Avengers 2: Age of Ultron, so do expect major cameos. To those who are into knowing Ant-Man by comic origin, feel free to check this (Source: ). As I have mentioned, Ant-Man is slowly becoming part of the ever growing Marvel Universe, as it slowly tries to be a piece itself and be part of it as we know the Civil War is coming- who’s side will he be on?

So my take away, Ant-Man, is indeed a Big Tale from a small hero, but don’t let this size fool you. I give it 3 ½ out of 5. 

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