Sunday, July 6, 2014

of i do's... til' death to us part...

Sunday, July 6, 2014
It's been a long time coming, I changed the layout, and I have deleted, and redone my blog all so many times, I just could not make up my mind. A lot has transpired, over I guess more than 6 year blog of mine but things remained the same, that I still am passionate to write, although with hits and misses, but I'm working the opportunities of overcoming my writer's block, and overcoming my second guessing.

There is pretty much new things to expect from this blog:

  • I will write about food again, and my travels - my adventures to the places I have been, I will rediscover the things and bring back the Bourdain in me.
  • I will introduce the Fashion Photographer side of me of what went on my mind as to why I did this shoot, my commentaries, oh so Nigel Barker.
  • I will rant again, from what I notice, to the dirty side of politics, to pop culture, or just being me in the raw.
  • I will write about the geek stuff, things that I do over my weekend.
Without a do here, here's what has happened to my past month. Been busy fixing what is of The Asylum - my defunct group in which I have resurrected and focused mainly in me doing what I love which is photos. I am proud to have accomplished 8 themed photo shoots, and a couple of side shoots over summer, and gone to events such as Cosplays, in which I am slowly becoming ever popular to.

Last month, I had to work on a very popular Philippine cliche - since June was known for weddings, I decided to do a Bridal shoot. Yes, with no groom and I had no church to book, but was very fortunate that my in-house stylist who happens to be also an interior designer hooked me with Casa Real. 

Casa Real as by their Facebook page - "Casa Real was skillfully designed and built to reflect the architecture and interiors of the original house as DMCI Homes’ tribute to the rich Filipino history and vibrant community living that transcends eras. It showcases the original narra and ipil flooring. The doors and window frames are made of narra. There are ventanillas, sliding panels between the floor and windows, with original iron grilles. It also features the restored ipil staircases and various ornamental woodworks from the Sampaloc house.

Casa Real mimics the adobe stone cladding for the lower ground exterior finish. The building has a gated main entrance under a porte cochere and a grand staircase entrance along Acacia Lane. The Solariega Function Hall located at the upper ground, measuring 250 sqm, and the Cuadrilla Function Hall, located at the second floor with an area of 334 sqm, are ideal venues for celebrating life’s greatest moments. There are available kitchens for catering and balconies on the second floor. "
Honey Sabio Velasquez, of MTP

Yes it was a grand scale of a shoot, in which I had to incorporate it all. I had trouble much with getting my lighting right when I went outdoor, and having my backup photographer get it right with her close-ups.

My model happens to be very dear to me, and is a veteran of these sorts - it was not much of an issue, our gowns came out last minute and the make-up done by our HMUA was splendid. The shoot was fun, and I would gladly do it over again - hoping bigger and hope I can get the famous Calaruega church in Nasugbu next time.

While doing the shoots, can't help but glimpse of things of my past, - of been rejected several times of my wedding proposals and but also be optimistic for the future - that I hope I can fast forward to my own wedding.

Now July is here, the next shoot will be Tokyo-Makati, a peg of bringing Japan locally - its a concept that I am still working on - and praying for attendance. 

- pjurilla 

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The Asylum Photography © 2014