Monday, July 14, 2014

bigger, better and bolder... opportunities

Monday, July 14, 2014
When I started doing photo shoots in 2008, I would never expected to go this far. My photo shoots began a simple shoot with my ex whenever we traveled to some exciting exotic locale, it was meant for fun then early 2013 I was invited by my "little sister" to my first fashion, I was hooked, I wanted more. 

Around mid year to the end of the year when my recent ex came along to my life, we shot from the park, to the beach, and to her bedroom, giving me diversity of shots, different themes, ideas - she ventured me to shooting in cosplays, car shows then all things got too serious. I stopped.

I stopped because I went to some ordeal, that
involves me picking up pieces of my heart, you guessed it, I was heartbroken. Me and my ex broke up.

January 2014, Get in the Grind
February 2014, Fierce
October of 2013, a familiar face messaged me, it was my model from the fashion shoot, wanting me to do a shoot with her and her friends, wow I thought, it has been a while since I picked up the camera, then from then on I got that high again, it was bringing me to nostalgic feelings which made me feel uneasy when November came I thought this may be my last shoot - spiraled to January of this year launching The Asylum.

March 2014, Elemento
The Asylum, until June of this year had me involve with 7 high-end photo shoots, participated in 2 cosplay events, and aside booking myself the whole year, I got another message... My "little sister", the little entrepreneur, the marketer, wants me - not just a photographer for a shoot, but part of her creative team, a plan of being part of something big.

When I looked back to my humble beginnings, I can't help but be thankful, to the exposure, the different people I met along the way, and now I look forward, to what may be the biggest adventure I will go through, boom or bust - come what may, seize the moment....

Here I come.

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The Asylum Photography © 2014