Thursday, August 7, 2014

the hard one

Thursday, August 7, 2014
Of all the places, I have been, places I have gone and go, and to my surprise weeks thereafter there is such an ordinance as a No Shoot Zone - in the city of Makati.
June, Tokyo-Makati

No shoot zones are the worst nightmares for any amateur photographer such as I am. I am so used to taking free rides to shoot and photograph any part of the region of the country, now I am confined to seek a permit before I could continue on.

I am aware that there are some regions of Makati require me to seek permits but with the guards patrolling and chasing me - this was my challenge, every part of the city was blocked out.

Yes, I was patrolled and hightailed by guards, I was radioed in, and wherever I went, wherever I gone, I was sure followed and escorted out of some premises.

It was a shoot, run and go.

It was not fun.

Alice, Tokyo-Makati
I was pretty much flustered thinking on how I could make my concepts work, to some luck and extent, I got some decent photographs, some was not really the number I was driving at.

I could have done better given the right conditions that I am in.

I am pretty thankful, the my newbie models were much understanding but I feel sorry that we had to walk to find a suitable spot, we felt like nomads, not having pretty decent stay in a certain location, from parks, to the underground tunnels, we were shooed out.

Nhal, Tokyo-Makati
I am also thankful for my staff, from Kirky to Ronan, who kept everyone out a float, especially Kirky who kept me laughing despite me being pissed at security, and Ronan to look out for me when a security guard was tailing me.

Again this was no walk in the park, there were so many beautiful locations to shoot at, but again I cannot help be upset - I always thought that the things we photographers do in locations is to boost tourism, by making stunning photos that allure the foreigners to love what they see, feeding them eye candies...

Thinking and looking back - I learned to defy the law so many times on so many occasions but this time, the Law won.

Angelica, Tokyo-Makati

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The Asylum Photography © 2014