Sunday, April 5, 2015

the game has changed

Sunday, April 5, 2015
It's been two months since I last wrote something, and my sincerest apologies for not informing everyone of my whereabouts. It is one of those moments, where one's pure thoughts has become more quiet, where nothing comes out thus my creative or lust for writing just stopped.

Yuri Nanami, Sin City
With these two months I was able to reflect, and took time off, It was also on February I took time to do Sin City, A photo shoot meant for the All Star Traps of Cosplay, to those who are the uninitiated to this term, Traps are cross dressers, they are not gender benders, they are the transgender community of Cosplay. Traps came from the Star Wars verse "It's a Trap!", which lead to also the feeling your talking to a beautiful goddess but instead your talking to a dude.

I have nothing against the transgender community, I even wrote love advice in my other other blog, Black Out Love. Moving forward, what lead to a heavy preparation, that lead to lot's of last minute replacements, from 6 of whom I called for a casting call, I had to settle for two who showed up for the shoot, and a make-up artist who is fairly new to my wing. Nonetheless, it was a good shoot, it was something that I have to get used to, A creative nightmare - rust, I haven't done a fashion themed shoot since November. I was thankful with the models who showed up, luckily it was my Cosplay daughter Nickhers Concepcion, who is familiar on how I do things and a new comer to the fashion scene but eager to learn, Yuri Nanami. All have opposite styles and takes - One is sweet, and the other, the rebel. And this rebel nearly got me into trouble, because we got looks and stares from crowds  - dissing her, and tossing all sort of rudeness - thus I can say Bonifacio Global City is a homophobic crowd - in insulting way. Yuri, flung her middle finger to the jeers, but I had to keep my cool. Thankfully I had Angie, my other Cosplay daughter, was my backup photographer,  was also able to keep me sane, and I am pretty much  still in awe with her skills,  she took spectacular shots - impressive.

Thanks to Kex Puerto
It was a good February, that leads me to some of my shoots in K-Pub BBQ, just for an office gathering, it was Rewards and Recognition for our department, it's been a while for half a year I have been working for that Line of Business, I took a decent good number of shots by the street, with co-workers and the insides of the pub.

March was a tumbling month, of highs and lows, my depression sort of came back but took me a while to fight back and get back on my feet, I missed out by not attending the Tamashii Con, and TagCom, since I was up in Baguio with someone in doing a Fifty Shades of Gray themed shoot, - and yes it was a porn to remember. and I also was able to meet some cool photographers while doing some shots in Camp John Hay, and learned the growing Cosplay Baguio community, in which got me excited when I go up again. I managed to host a reunion on the last week of March, with former PinoyExchange members, people whom rocked the Internet in the early 2000's, it was my way to meet friends of way back when, people who I viewed, were the pioneers of Social media, it was there also I got to meet my online crush - sweetKay... Of the 12 who confirmed via Facebook, slid down to 3 came - crush was there and the other 2 with their respective wives,and children. We had dinner at Omakase in Ayala Triangle -  there it was a time for us to have Sushi and Tempura, and had lot's of catch up.
Me and sweetkay of Life is Kulayful,Post Pex Dinner

So... Good bye March! Good Evening April! There's a lot of things to look forward to lately, and just to announce - I think I may found my significant other - which I do hope leads to a promising future, the other side is that my work life is thrown back to the graveyard, Hello! The Working Dead. I also look forward to attending the up coming con before the end of April, and hope I can push my shoot titled Inked! before the motnh ends, a casual shoot with my inked or tattooed friends, and colleagues of mine at work place.

It's 6:28 PM, and I am close to dinner time, hope to write more soon, and honestly, it feels good to write again. 

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The Asylum Photography © 2014